Thursday, September 2, 2010

A monkey on the wall between our house and the neighbors....
We thought it was so cool, until.......

....we realized it pooped on our car!

...and now the poop has flies in it...thought you'd all like too see this
right before having meatloaf for dinner!

Not a good picture, but this was one of the "funny" things we saw this week. 6 guys hitching a ride with some guy with a truck. All six couldn't sit in the back because it was a camper with tons of stuff, so they just opened the hatch, stood on the bumper and held on....yes, all of them. They were going pretty fast for such a crazy ride!

Iguana outside my school....always a sight to see these critters so close!

1 comment:

Nan said...

Hey! I had been hearing from Aaron about how you guys were doing but finally just caught up on all your posts. What an adventure!!! Sounds like you are growing and taking the best of what comes. Awesome video of Owen surfing!! What a little stud. Glad you guys are adjusting well, staying safe, and learning lots!