Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It happened by chance....

After a weekend of pondering over sending the kids to school or not, I decided to give it a try this past Monday. Everyone, including Jed, went to school bright and early Monday morning. Our original plan was to homeschool everyone, and we had hired a private "tutor" everyday to speak to the kids in spanish. When the house in Nicoya went belly-up, we no longer had that hired help to count on teaching our children. Zach and I looked into some other options, including some of the private schools around here. The two most popular schools weren't going to work for us. One is about $500 per month per child, and the other doesn't focus on Spanish, but is a wealthy school for American kids who live here but want to "American" education...Country Day School, if that tells you anything :). Well, one day when we were driving between towns, on our search for a home to rent last week, one of the boys had to pee, and just couldn't wait another minute, so I screeched over on a dirt road off to the left, and let the boys hop out and pee in the creek. While waiting, I noticed a sign you could see from the road, "Blue Ocean"....but the part that couldn't be seen underneath in small print, read, "academia bilingue" (I think). For some reason, the location, the small, clean school, and the feeling about it just stuck with me. I couldn't find anything online about the school except a blog from a couple who said their child went there last year and had a great year. I returned the next day and found someone on the grounds. He let me in and took me to the elementary director. We spoke a little (broken English and Spanish), and I got the prices, which were excellent comparatively, the schedule, and a little more information.

Against my "nature", I actually went with my "gut" this time, and followed that feeling I had that this could be great, for the kids, for me, for our whole situation. It is a little drive, takes us about 15-20 minutes one way, but I also found a "school" for myself that is just a bit past the kids' school, so I don't feel like I'm driving out of the way. I start classes this coming Monday and am in class from 8:00am-12:00pm, which couldn't be more perfect since the kids start school at 7:30am. I have a little time in the afternoon to regroup and then pick up kids from school. Owen and Jed are out at 1:30 and E, T, and K, are finished at 2:30. Kaylee's class is 4th and 5th grade with 5 children in class...Tia and Ethan are together with 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade,, with 6 kids in class. Owen and Jed each have about 9 kids in class. So, from 30+ kids in class at Meridian to 5 kids in class in CR....can't we find a happy median here???

By 3:00 everyday we're on the beach. I absolutely love the ocean. It is a new play yard everyday, with a new tide, new critters, and new friends. I may have already said this, but it's just great. I also feel like I can go down with a few of the kids and the others can come down where they are ready.....

Yesterday, Kaylee's main focus was to catch fish. She discovered that it is easier to catch them with her bare hands than to try and scoop them up in something. After trying for several days to catch the little minnow-like fish that get caught in the pools when the tide goes out, she caught four in one day. The kids have them as pets in a water jug on the back porch, and are feeding them cracker crumbs...we'll see how long that lasts. Today, Zach took all the kids out on boogie boards to catch some waves. When they actually "caught" their first wave, I think they were totally amazed to just keep going and going until they were on shore. I couldn't get K, T, and O to come inside for dinner.....looking forward to tomorrow already!

We are settling in more and more everyday, and I didn't realize how much I thrive on a routine...just like a child. It brings me peace and purpose to know what's on the calendar and when...of course, not a totally full calendar. I love the free time all afternoon with nothing but play time and loving time. My favorite thing about the kids' school, is that homework is only two days per week....

This is our "view" from our family room. The ocean is just past the
two crooked trees in the distance. It really is one of the most beautiful views
and the gives the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen.

On the dirt road on the way to our many potholes....
The father of my good friend, Shanna, gave me some advice before
we left for Costa Rica. He said to just watch and record all the
funny and interesting things that you see. I've tried to do this
and his words are sticking with me as I seriously see something so
bizarre everyday. Today, some cows just decided to cross the road in
front of us on our way home from school. The cows here are very
skinny, yet have every opportunity to eat as much grass as they would like...
and you know me...this makes me very suspicious of our "cows" in the United States.
What are we feeding them???? Yuck! More and more I am converting to the
rice and beans diet....
Also on our way home from school, we saw this not-so-funny, but very
interesting sight. This small boy was taking a nap on his mother's arm....
Comfy, as long as you're not riding on the back of a motorcycle?
My kids want to know why no one wears a helmet when they can't leave
the driveway on a scooter without a helmet?????

This is seriously our driveway! I love love love to come home everyday
and see this gorgeous, lush sight.....and we just paid how much for our
"professional" landscape in Colorado? I now want to puke!
From the beach, looking at the back of our house...If you decide to come visit us,
your view would be from the windows above the patio, overlooking the ocean!


courtneyb said...

I'm so glad you guys went. That's great that you found a school for the kids. I am planning to come visit in October! I'll keep you posted on further details but also, let me know if that isn't a good time to come.

sierra said...

So fun, i love reading your blog, i pretty much check it everyday. You guys are amazing. Thanks for sharing your experiences! We want to come visit sometime....

Lindsay said...

I can't believe you made it happen! I remember chatting with you guys over Italian food years ago about how much you'd like to live in South America--You did it!!! I haven't checked your blog in years, and I am now very eager to keep up on your lives and hear about your adventures...

Well done! We send our love,
Lindsay and Keith

Shena said...

You are amazing! I can't believe through all the madness that it all worked out so well. I salute you! I wish we had the time and means to come see you. As much as it sounds chaotic, it sounds like it's a much calmer lifestyle than most live in the states. I'm so excited for you and your family and the fabulous experiences you will have. I hope you'll still want to come back to the states at some point!